Where We Donate
Our Current Benevolences
MFM Benevolences Descriptions
New England Yearly Meeting (NEYM) <>
An organization providing programs and services to liberate ministry and strengthen the Quaker movement in New England.
Northwest Quarterly Meeting (NWQM)
The official link between Monthly Meetings and the Yearly Meeting. It includes meetings in Vermont and parts of New Hampshire and meets in March, June, September, and December for fellowship and connection.
Abenaki Helping Abenaki (AHA) <>
Its mission is to preserve the culture, community awareness, charitable endeavors and outreach of the Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk Abenaki People (“Nulhegan Band”). AHA provides various educational resources to meet the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of the Nulhegan Band and other Native American students.
Addison County Relocalization Network (ACORN) <>
Promotes the growth and health of local food and agriculture in Vermont's Champlain Valley by providing support to our farmers and food producers, engaging in food education and ensuring access to healthy food for all members of our community.
Addison Allies Network (AAN) <>
Addison Allies Network serves migrant workers in the Champlain Valley, providing transportation, access to medical care, and support for their general welfare. Contact:
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) <>
Bringing together people of all faiths and backgrounds to challenge injustice and build peace around the globe.
Atria <>
Serves people across the gender spectrum who experience sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Provides emergency safe housing.
Beacon Hill Friends House BHFH <>
A center for Quaker learning and action, the home of Beacon Hill Friends Meeting, and a residential intentional community grounded in Quaker principles. Its mission is to embody the Quaker principles of faith, simplicity, integrity, community and social responsibility to nurture and call forth the Light in all of us.
Bodine-Rustin Fund of NEYM <>
The fund was established by New England Yearly Meeting to support LGBTQIA+ organizations in East Africa, Central and South Americas, India, the Caribbean, and North America.
Bolivia Friends for Emma Condori <>
Supports our sister community in need of our ongoing help
Climate Economy Action Center of Addison County <>
Founded in 2019, CEAC’s mission is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Addison County in a timely and equitable manner, while promoting and supporting a just transition to a healthy and sustainable local economy.
Charter House Coalition <>
The primary emergency shelter in Middlebury (and Addison County). Charter House also manages the community meals programs. The concise history entry on their website, under the "about" tab is a good description. This website is a good example of a spare and uncluttered presentation.
Community Supper Program <>
Free Community Suppers, under the care of the Congregational Church of Middlebury, are served to our neighbors and friends in our Fellowship Hall every Friday. This program provides a free supper for 400 people every Friday evening. Each year, more than 35 organizations host a supper. The volunteers prepare and serve take-out hot meals from 5:00 to 5:30 p.m. We are now, again, offering dining-in opportunities.
Counseling Service of AC (CSAC) <>
Envisions a compassionate and resilient community that honors everyone's full potential. Provides counseling, group home housing, job coaching, more
Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) <>
A national, nonpartisan Quaker organization that lobbies Congress and the administration to advance peace, justice and environmental stewardship.
Friends General Conference (FGC) <>
Friends General Conference, with Divine guidance, nurtures the spiritual vitality of the Religious Society of Friends by providing programs and services for Friends, meetings, and seekers.
Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) <>
Encourages fellowship and understanding among all the branches of the Religious Society of Friends. Bringing Quakers together in multiple ways to celebrate God in our lives, to gather the Quaker voice, build networks to address issues of our time, and to unite Friends within our diversity.
Gather <>
A community living room. An open door and a free space where all people can come together and get to know one another. It’s a place to warm up, take a break, enjoy good company, and make some friends.
HomeShare Vermont <>
40 year old organization arranges for two or more people to share a home for their mutual benefit. The host offers a private bedroom and shared common space in exchange for rent or help around the home or some combination of the two. HomeShare provides a disciplined screening and matching process and ongoing support to enhance the safety and chance of success of the match. This program has become a model for many others in this country and abroad.
Habitat for Humanity of Addison County <>
Partnering with families, volunteers, and donors in our community to design and build award-winning and highly efficient and sustainable homes. Since 2001 they have built 16 homes in Bristol, Middlebury, Cornwall, and Vergennes, and provide interest-free mortgages based on the cost of the homes. In almost all cases the monthly cost of mortgage, taxes and insurance has been less than the rent on the previous substandard housing.
Improves the lives of low income people in Addison County, Vermont, by working with individuals to identify and secure the resources needed to meet their basic needs. Hosts a food shelf, retail shop, shower, some housing, more
John Calvi <>
A Quaker healer currently at work on his memoir. After 40 years work on the road in the rape crisis, the AIDS wars, + inmates and tortured refugees, John is telling the stories of his life.
John Graham Shelter <>
Provides affordable, safe housing and emergency shelter in Addison County for low to moderate-income individuals and families and those without a place to live. The John Graham Shelter in Vergennes is the only emergency shelter for families with children in Addison County.
Jubilee <>
An interfaith, non-profit alliance of religious, development and advocacy organizations. Addresses the structural causes of poverty and inequality in our communities and countries around the world.
Ndakinna Education Center <>
Focuses on five main learning areas including the teaching of Abenanki to some of our MFM members, wilderness and survival skills, culture, and more.
Nomadicare <>
Nomadicare supports and preserves traditional Mongolian nomadic culture through healthcare, films, and stories. A thirty-year archive is being prepared and will be available to anyone, including researchers and the herders.
Open Door Clinic <>
Provides access to free, quality healthcare services to those who are uninsured or underinsured in a compassionate, respectful and culturally sensitive manner until a permanent healthcare provider can be established.
Parent/Child Center of Addison County <>
It is our mission to provide support and education to families with young children in Addison county.
Peace and Justice Center of Vermont (PJCVT) <>
Uses education, advocacy, and activism to advance the interconnected issues of Human rights and economic, social, and environmental justice. Seeking true and meaningful peace within and beyond Vermont.
Pollinator Pathway of Addison County <>
Community Pollinator Pathway projects are organized by volunteers from town groups, working together to establish pollinator-friendly habitat and food sources for bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and other pollinating insects and wildlife along a series of continuous corridors. Contact:
Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW) <>
Bringing Friends together to care for Earth–a network of Quakers inspiring spirit-led action ecological integrity and environmental justice.
Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) <>
A Quaker presence at the United Nations, representing Friends’ concerns for global peace and justice to the international community.
Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR) <>
An independent Quaker not-for-profit organization sharing the abundance of God’s love by working for equity through partnerships around the world.
Spirit in Nature (SpIN) <>
Mission is to educate the community about the environment through the vehicle of traditional religions, and to promote action based on spiritually sensitive concerns for the environment. The SPIN Path Sanctuary offers a space for ceremony, nature study, insights into religious faiths, and pathways for quiet walkin.
Turning Point Center of Addison County <>
Recovery center that provides a safe, friendly, and substance use free environment. Hosts meetings, recovery coaching, outreach.
Vermont Interfaith Power & Light (VTIPL) <>
Vermont Interfaith Power and Light exists to give voice to a multi-faith commitment to address the immediate impacts of a changing climate, in Vermont and beyond and to support action needed now to avoid worse impacts in the future.
Vermont Natural Resources Council (VNRC) <>
Through research, education, collaboration and advocacy, VNRC protects and enhances Vermont’s natural environments, vibrant communities, productive working landscapes, rural character and unique sense of place, and prepares the state for future challenges and opportunities.
Opportunities for Service
Within the Meeting
Greeter: In Person:Traditional in-person meeting greeting role (open & close, healing circle, etc. Set up Havurah. When only remote: open and close mtg, etc. On Zoom: The Zoom host sends a reminder link each week and opens and closes the Zoom space.
Tech support in person: Turn on the computer and TV and join the Zoom meeting. Assist with sound/mic issues. Sign off and shut off equipment after worship or program.